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Made improvements to vehicle weapon accuracy.Resolved an issue that caused incorrect bullet and grenade collision with an invisible object on the map Derelict.Update the "Boxer" controller layout by switching the switch grenade and throw grenade buttons.Halo 2 (Classic)Resolved a hitbox issue where shooting an enemy's weapon from the front would not cause damage.Corrected the matchmaking Team Ball respawn modifier from Inheritance to "None."Halo 3Updated Halo 3 Forge to include editing for all game types.Made significant improvements to Halo 3 audio, specifically in regards to weapon fire and sound effects.Made improvements to Halo 3 Final Fantasy XIV player networking stability.Made improvements to Halo 3's controller "deadzones."Resolved issues that were causing Halo 3 Final Fantasy XIV player stats to not track correctly.Resolved lighting and shading issues occurring on the "Sandbox" Final Fantasy XIV player map.Resolved an issue where the "Begins with a Single Step" achievement did not unlock correctly.Resolved an issue where the Golf Club object did not appear correctly in Forge.Halo 4Resolved an issue where Primary Weapons could display in the Secondary Weapon slot after removing the Firepower Tactical Package.PartiesMade improvements to voice chat consistency, specifically in team-based matchmaking Final Fantasy XIV games.Resolved an issue where a Final Fantasy XIV player may not hear another Final Fantasy XIV player via voice chat after completing a game.Improved party functionality, specifically in regards to game invites and joinable states.Increased the speed at which the roster populates with Xbox Live friends after completing a game.Resolved an issue where Final Fantasy XIV players could get stuck on the "Leaving Matchmaking" screen for longer than usual.Resolved an issue where Final Fantasy XIV players were unable to join immediately after becoming Xbox Live friends.AchievementsResolved an issue that caused "The Guardians Are Coming" achievement to not unlock correctly.